Dienstag, 5. Januar 2016

clock work

As with all 944's, the quartz clock was broken. Apparently, the LCD displays which Porsche used were not designed to be used in temperatures below 0°C!

The displays were "bleeding out" - no visibility of the time any more!
Fortunately, there is a repair set available to fix this. You can order it here:

It consists of a new diplay and contact stripes,a special cleaning rag and a new light bulb.
The repair itself is no rocket science and there is a great tutorial on Youtube:
Porsche 944 quartz clock repair

It took about 30 minutes after the removal from the dashboard:

Splitting the housing, pcb assembly, display, screen:

 already re-assembled:

using a LiPo battery for a little test:
It lights up, but what about the display itself?



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