This is a 3 digit DOT manufacturing code, read: week 12 of 1987! front tire - No wonder the car felt weird to drive, the rear ones were about 20 years old!
So, next stop: tire shop, 4 new rubbers. The rear ones are 215/60/15 V - which are rare beasts!
Ah, what a relieve, now it drives like it should! The Bilstein shocks make it feel firm, but give a great sense of control!
I didn't feel any issues without the balancer belt - no vibrations or otherwise - I guess I am o.k. with that.
Having no power steering is something I am used to, as my aircooled VW's also have no power steering - but they have a light engine in the rear, not a manly 2,5 liter lump placed directly over the front wheels!
Of course, not everything was great. Upon launch the horn went on all the time, as the Momo steering wheel boss had the wrong contact ring, so I changed back to the original wheel. The power window mechnism on the driver door failed twice. During the 2nd repair (read: remove the switches, handle, door card, foil)- I realized I installed a guide the wrong way, now it is fine!
Later that day the starter went poop. The magnet got stuck several times. I need to repair or exchange it (I think I have a spare somewhere)
Overall, I'm well chuffed!
Now I can start to make it look nice from the outside...
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